Stephen Galoob

Stephen Galoob

Dr. Stephen Galoob is Chapman Professor of Law at the University of Tulsa College of Law, where he teaches courses on legal theory and criminal law and policy. A graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law and U.C. Berkeley’s Jurisprudence and Social Policy program, Stephen is the author of over 20 publications in forums such as Yale Law Journal, Southern California Law Review, Legal Theory, and Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy.

Since 2018, Stephen has worked with University of Tulsa law and undergraduate students as part of Project Commutation, which brings together criminal lawyers, criminal justice policy experts, and other advocates for criminal justice reform as part of an effort to reduce Oklahoma’s rate of incarceration. This team’s efforts have assisted over 500 people in the commutation process and, to date, have helped secure commutations for more than 300 people.